Tuesday, July 05, 2005

My American t-shirts (needs to be cleared up)

I have two t-shirts with American names and a image. Now most people I know think that if you have an American t-shirt you like the American people as a whole meaning that you like; the government, the people, the culture and anything else. But I have a different idea as some of those things appeal to me and some of them don’t. The idea I have with the t-shirts is not that I automatically fit into that category but more in a practical sense like you only fit into a category if there is someone there with their stereotype and thinking.
The reason why I wear the t-shirt is because the imagery on them is what I like about them.

So the way I think the t-shirts mean in a practical sense is if I was walking down the street wearing the t-shirt and it was busy. With these people you would have people walking towards you and you would have people beside and people behind you all seeing different things as they look at you.
The people in front of you who are walking towards you look at your t-shirt and if it is the black one then you see the name and if you look away then you are protected and if they come up to and say “I like your t-shirt” then you are rewarded for wearing it and you are sociable and by saying “thanks, but that is not the reason” and you turn around to show them the real reason and you say “because the art work on the back is nice to look at.”
If you were to be followed by say another person, friend or relative then they would automatically look at it if you were in front of them and if they like the picture or imagery then would either already know more about you or they would intend to find out.
The people are the side however may not see anything and that is where you’re intuition comes in and you have to either ask something about them or say something about yourself.

As I was saying

“But I have a different idea as some of those things appeal to me and some of them don’t.”

That some of these things are like the ‘American Government’ I don’t like them as they have started to ruin the world and I can’t think to what will happen next. The other thing is I don’t support the violence in America and it isn’t good.


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