Monday, February 15, 2010

Scintillating Scotoma

hi there

I wasn't sure what this was the SS, I originally thought it was some
spiritual thing, and I was seeing out of the matrix. But now have
realised what it is, thanks to a small article in 'The Times'
newspaper supplement 'Eureka' issue 5 page 24.
The first time it happened as far as I can remember is when I was
living in Holland, I was totally unsure what was happening but was too
frightened, I thought I had imagined it.
The most memorable time up to now, was when I was at a friends house
over for a weekend of fun and we were playing a board game and I
remember almost unable to see and finding it hard to concentrate.

The SS moments have always been without any kind of headache
whatsoever, and now I have found out it is called Acephalgic or Ocular
migraine. I am not quite sure what to do with this information,
whether I need to see a doctor, the events are so infrequent and
random that I hardly sure whether taking any medicine all the time
would stop it, after reading some other peoples posts about trying to
find out the trigger, that could be one solution.
Invariably as there is no pain when it happens the only danger would
be if I was driving but I drive when I have access to a car I borrow
most of the time I cycle.

The only thing I would like to do as part of this group is the ability
to upload a picture, as I have made a drawing in the past of the
event, so if anyone knows how to do this or can suggest, that be good.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


hi there

I cycle regularly to work on my bicycle and sometimes, the road can become congested, now I can also drive, but I choose to cycle, I don't think are many times when I need to drive, the only things I can think of, is if I needed to lift a heavy item which I am presently unable to do on my bicycle, or drive a long distance, too far or would take to long if time was precious by bicycle (if I had the time I would make the journey even if it took me weeks!).
I don't get why people can be that selfish and greedy espically with all the mentioning's of climate change in the news appearing regularly. I mean if each person who has bought a car spent around £7000+ on their car had used that money for something else, people would have more money for other things that are more important in life, such as healthcare or looking after their families. I know that in places like Sweden and Holland, where cycling is more prevalent, that people have better quality of life due to that they spend there money more wisely.

If your driving to work and it is less that 7miles, in my view you should be cycling there. I may get to work hot and be a bit sweaty but none of my colleagues mention anything nor do any customers. If perhaps you work in a office then just having a shower or wearing one clothing to cycle in and another to wear at work. Also people have mentioned they don't have time, well my 7.5 mile journey to work is quicker on my bike than in a car at rush hour, the same distance by car at rush hour can take 30minutes to 1hour.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

My American t-shirts (needs to be cleared up)

I have two t-shirts with American names and a image. Now most people I know think that if you have an American t-shirt you like the American people as a whole meaning that you like; the government, the people, the culture and anything else. But I have a different idea as some of those things appeal to me and some of them don’t. The idea I have with the t-shirts is not that I automatically fit into that category but more in a practical sense like you only fit into a category if there is someone there with their stereotype and thinking.
The reason why I wear the t-shirt is because the imagery on them is what I like about them.

So the way I think the t-shirts mean in a practical sense is if I was walking down the street wearing the t-shirt and it was busy. With these people you would have people walking towards you and you would have people beside and people behind you all seeing different things as they look at you.
The people in front of you who are walking towards you look at your t-shirt and if it is the black one then you see the name and if you look away then you are protected and if they come up to and say “I like your t-shirt” then you are rewarded for wearing it and you are sociable and by saying “thanks, but that is not the reason” and you turn around to show them the real reason and you say “because the art work on the back is nice to look at.”
If you were to be followed by say another person, friend or relative then they would automatically look at it if you were in front of them and if they like the picture or imagery then would either already know more about you or they would intend to find out.
The people are the side however may not see anything and that is where you’re intuition comes in and you have to either ask something about them or say something about yourself.

As I was saying

“But I have a different idea as some of those things appeal to me and some of them don’t.”

That some of these things are like the ‘American Government’ I don’t like them as they have started to ruin the world and I can’t think to what will happen next. The other thing is I don’t support the violence in America and it isn’t good.

me, you and I, the description of life

We all think of ourselves as individuals but I think that we are all part of something bigger, like it is mentioned in many religions we can see the future, we have foresight to think into the future. But we don’t really know what instore is for the future as we can only look back at the past and learn from it. I know only of what I have read and I what I believe has happened in the past but what I know for sure that I am here now. I can remember back to when I was young, I can remember what I thought when I was younger I remember the actions that I did in the past but for thinking about the future it is hard to realise what I may do. I think this is one of life’s common mysteries how can we be so sure what will happen in the future? People have ideas and they also have plans but that only something for their control on their lives. People need something that can be in control of or lean on something, perhaps it may be work, religion or self contemplation but if we never lean on anything would that mean we wouldn’t have to lean on anything thus seeing into the future or having sight to understand the future.

I remember when I was about 7yrs old and I was sitting in the primary school I went to, I went to Church of England primary school, a Christian school and every morning we would have an assembly where the headmaster would read something from the bible and I explain it to the whole school. For awhile I did believe and I prayed like many other kids around me but I soon thought that all this talk and I listened and try to make sense of it in my head, but to me it no sense, I want it to but it didn’t. So one day I sat there and looked out the giant windows of the assembly hall and thought that if what this man was saying wasn’t real to me then what if the world wasn’t real at all just illusion or a dream that I would never wake up to. So whilst looking out the window I thought as if this life or whatever were a dream and my life as it is and the way I think started.

Life as we know it is consisted of many questions to get to somewhere in life but if we don’t ask any questions there would be now answers and without those two things in life, what would life consist of.


prej·u·dice () (pr j -d s)n.

An adverse judgment or opinion formed beforehand or without knowledge or examination of the facts.
A preconceived preference or idea.
The act or state of holding unreasonable preconceived judgments or convictions.
Irrational suspicion or hatred of a particular group, race, or religion.
Detriment or injury caused to a person by the preconceived, unfavorable conviction of another or others.

I see people everyday and I think about them and I wondered am I being prejudice or not.
It is like there is some sort idea that we are not meant to be but I think we all are and that it inevitably impossible that we can’t not be prejudice. Also I think that it is within human right that it is a part of who we are.
Recently on t.v. there has been program on ‘channel 4’ called “prejudice” the idea for the show is that five people judge five people and they decide who should win £10,000 on facts and a interview all done within the parameters of the show. I think it is a slightly unfair way to do it but it is certainly interesting to see how people react and what sort of judgements people make.
I think what I am desperately seeking is that I am unknown to me what I want and how I want to use it and in life I have to make judgements to get there but they all have to be based on something.
The thing I find bad about myself is I walk somewhere and I will look at people and see their faces thinking that I have may have seen that face before but I haven’t. I look at people or the things people do and wonder why they go about it in that way. I sometimes believe that purely from looking at people I can determine who they are and what they are, now I know this is prejudice but how can it be prejudice if know one ever tells me that I am prejudice. But for the most part this is how I think or work.
Some work I think I may do is to take some pictures that society classes and put it up as some work but have questions written as like “is this man old?” and then have a picture where society thinks they probably live and have a question “is this where he lives?” and then show a picture that society thinks probably dictates his past and have a question like “is this his past?” and do several different versions with several different people. I might do it. – 27th Jan

upside down world

What if we could have a world upside down in sight but also a world where things went the wrong way around but we could never get used to it as if we were planted on the planet from somewhere else and we knew this but we could never get used it. What would that be like ? I think about this and what if we were to leave school and then get a full time job and then 20 years later that was the time you got to go to university and have all the fun and do silly things why can’t that be the norm or upside down ?

Perception of non-matter things

Non matter things are things like emotions or the calendar or time or our visual minds. I want to know how it is for other people.

The way I see things are very visually and as if nothing can’t be envisaged in a visual way. So to give you an example my visual representation of a seven day week is that of tower blocks looking over a sea of house or waves at sea, Wednesday has the smallest wave and in between there are varying larger sizes of waves until you get to Saturday where the largest wave is or the largest tower block is.
Other things like our thought process I see it as if it were pulses of light whizzing at high speed like a motorcycle going round a track beating all the racers and see who can win the race.