Wednesday, January 20, 2010


hi there

I cycle regularly to work on my bicycle and sometimes, the road can become congested, now I can also drive, but I choose to cycle, I don't think are many times when I need to drive, the only things I can think of, is if I needed to lift a heavy item which I am presently unable to do on my bicycle, or drive a long distance, too far or would take to long if time was precious by bicycle (if I had the time I would make the journey even if it took me weeks!).
I don't get why people can be that selfish and greedy espically with all the mentioning's of climate change in the news appearing regularly. I mean if each person who has bought a car spent around £7000+ on their car had used that money for something else, people would have more money for other things that are more important in life, such as healthcare or looking after their families. I know that in places like Sweden and Holland, where cycling is more prevalent, that people have better quality of life due to that they spend there money more wisely.

If your driving to work and it is less that 7miles, in my view you should be cycling there. I may get to work hot and be a bit sweaty but none of my colleagues mention anything nor do any customers. If perhaps you work in a office then just having a shower or wearing one clothing to cycle in and another to wear at work. Also people have mentioned they don't have time, well my 7.5 mile journey to work is quicker on my bike than in a car at rush hour, the same distance by car at rush hour can take 30minutes to 1hour.